How do i solve the Java error: could not create java virtual machine? - Virtual Machine - Windows 7 I have tried to fix this problem multiple times I am trying to run Minecontrol for Windows 7. Please help! ... Had you bothered to use this forum's internal search tool, you would have found this:
Błąd Minecraft: A java exception has occurred. Błąd Minecraft: A java exception has occurred. « dnia: Marzec 14, 2014, 19:45:01 » Witam wszystkich użytkowników! Mam problem odnośnie minecraft'a. Kiedy uruchamiam go, wyskakuję mi taki błąd: Java Virtual Machine Launcher. A java exception has ...
Minecraft: A Java Exception has occurred? | Yahoo Answers 13 Jul 2014 ... I also uninstalled older versions of Java (I'm currently using Java 7 update 60), reinstalled Java, ...